We offer a full range of professional services tailored for the complex needs of medical facilities projects. We have tailored our services to reflect the needs and complex nature of healthcare delivery in highly regulated environments such as California. Greenbough Design offers these services to augment and complement the owner and construction team, with the goal of comprehensive project success.
Medical Facility Evaluation
Medical Programming and Planning
Healthcare Architecture
Project Management
Information Technology Consulting
Regulatory Agency Liaison Services
Sustainable Design Practices
We recognize that technology is rapidly changing the way architectural and design services are delivered, and how it can improve collaboration between the owner, design, and construction teams. To promote this integration, our professional services are rendered using Autodesk Revit, which has the capacity to provide Building Information Modeling (BIM), a model-based technology linked with a database of project information (source: AIA). Using BIM improves visualization, productivity, and coordination among the project team members.